Of course it's been four month. Why wouldn't it be. I'm incredibly bad about this blog thing, I really am. In any event, I'm here now, so let's do this, okay?
On July 29th my new book, "Porcelain Dragons" was born. It took at least two years to happen, which makes me feel a bit like an elephant. However, it's another first for me, being my first anthology of short stories that had been written for assignments. There is only one in there that isn't, but it fit, so I added it in. I personally think it's some of my best work, but I'm biased.
Self publishing is an adventure for me. I'm now having to learn how to "sell myself" to the public, and in doing that sell what I do. It's hard. Really hard. I actually spend hours coming up with ideas on how to get the word out about me and my work. Most of the idea's I discard, because of affordability. I recently joined a group that meets once a month to discuss this very thing. Many of them seem to have at least some idea of what they are doing. I know I need to get reviews of my books, but so many places want you to pay, and internet searches are all day affairs!
Maybe I'm stumbling on the fact that my books are only loosely connected, that right now they aren't a series. That's probably it, but... I want to make sales. I want the world to read my work. So I guess I'm going to dive in blind, and do a lot of praying that something works.
I've improved my website, so that it actually looks like ... well... I know what I'm doing. Pardon me, while I roll on the floor laughing hysterically.... never can seem to type that without hysterical laughter.
Okay, done laughing. In all seriousness though, I'm working at getting all of these seemingly random bits and pieces of me together to form some sort of a "product" that I can market. So much updating to do! Guess I should get to it. With luck I'll get back here and update this more often.