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Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Well... I've survived the summer... which consisted of mostly trying to make money while making money... I've done one better than the other frankly. It's funny... at some point, you get so focused on survival that the creativity kinda wanders off. Maybe it gets bored.

With the return of fall however, it ambles back. Next month will see the debut of my fist attempt at a children's book. Next month is also.... NaNoWriMo  otherwise known as National Novel Writing Month. The idea is write a novel in a month. Not necessarily one ready to publish, but one ready to refine. I attempted this last year and didn't get as far as I wanted.... because of school mostly. This year I once more am attempting this thing.

For me it's not about winning.. yes, you can win...but rather the attempting and the making progress. I've known about NaNoWriMo for several years, but up until last year I was too scared to try it. No idea why it scared me, but it did. This years attempt (like last years) has already been started, but has been sitting stagnant for months. Hopefully this will have it making progress.

What am I working on? Oh, I thought I'd prod at the sequel to Restart.