Gah! It's one of Those sorts of days.. where all I want to do is stay in my fuzzy bathrobe and write like a fiend! Instead, I have to force myself to get dressed and actually go out and... work! :::gasp:::
I never know when this will happen... but I do know it rarely happens on say.. a weekend. Noooo.. it hits during the week! So, here I sit, happily writing this, glancing at the clock and wishing I could just call out and stay home and write. Mind you, I'm no sure what exactly I want to write... the Muse is rarely specific... but I am definately feeling the strong urgings.
Do I need the money? Yes and at the same time, not really. I mean.. money is always delightful and it's not like I'm raking in big bucks from my humble writings so far, but at the same time, my income isn't the only one and frankly... my car insurance is paid for the month and the kitties have food. Gas money... there's the rub!!
Seven minutes to make a decision. Did I mention I am not keen on deadlines?
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