Dictionary.com Word of the Day

Saturday, April 28, 2012

I'm back?

Writing isn't always about progressing a story. Yes, I just realized this today. While I'm not back to the point of dazzling dialog, I have managed to define a timeline for events.

Time is weird. When you sit down and just pound out stories, you don't consciously think about the length of time it takes events to happen. It's only when you start cobbling them together that you have to go, "Wait, which came first?" At least for me that's how it happens... well for this story at least. When I write the story, I see it happening at the speed that I think of it in, when the reality of it could be weeks or months. It's just weird to me.

So, for the record, as it stands now the events in Restart take about two years! Sounds like a long time, but look at your own life and think about how much has happened in the past two years.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean. It can really get away from you sometimes.
