Dictionary.com Word of the Day

Monday, July 16, 2012

Back on track...

Well, that was a fun break. Time to get writing again though. The past couple of days I've actually gotten work done on Restart. Amazing, I know.

It's been hard to get back in the swing though, with so much going on around me. First there was end of school year and camping. Followed by several doctors appointments and wondering when things would arrive from the East. Then there was... oye! I think we get the picture. Needless to say a good portion of those things are resolved. My house looks like I'm moving (though in or out is hard to tell) and I still have pending things but... I can write. Which means I've done all the outside stuff I can.

It's nice to get lost once more amoungst the streets of Seattle and in building this story. I forget how relaxing it is. Oddly, if I get nothing else done during the day, if I have made some progress on the story then I feel like I've done something good.

Dusk is falling as I write this. I look outside and see the growing purples of the evening and I am content. It wasn't much writing, only a page or so... but it was writing. In the end, that's what really counts.

As Scarlett O'Hara would say... "Tomorrow is another day."

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