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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Another amazing month..

With two posts! So it's been either productive or educational as far as writing. Well, the last one was productive soooo... you got it, educational.

It's easy to rest on your laurels when you self publish. It's also easy to assume you know what your doing. In the course of starting again to attempt to promote Soul of Evil, I ordered a proof copy. Mind you I'd updated the content LAST YEAR! When I'd updated it I gave a brief look over the interior pages for numbering, formatting, etc...  Never bothered to double check the cover proof. Happily put it up and went on my merry way. Didn't have the funds to order a proof copy for myself. I mean... I know what I'm doing, it was just a few little changes, right?

Riiiight... So this year I decide to promote again, and actually order a proof (because it's required!). Well, the proof arrived yesterday. First thing I notice is a white line down the outer edge of the cover. Wait, what? That's not right. Why is that there? Oh well, small fix. I open it. Black and white copy of the front and back covers. Wait..what?! I dunno.. I plunge on.. No page numbers in the opening pages, good. I pause on the dedication page, because something catches my eye. On the left hand page, down in the corner is.... a page number? Okay, that's not good. Make a note to myself and plunge deeper. Things are fine and then...

I look at the corners of the pages and there are NO page numbers!! WTF? I skim through and see that the numbers don't start until like page 83. I spend the rest of the afternoon re-formatting the ENTIRE book! I made a good change though.. I made it closer in size to a standard paperback. It raised the price significantly, because it raised the page count significantly. Ah well.

All of the above issues could have been avoided if I had actually LOOKED at the previews. I didn't, because I was certain that it was fine. I've previewed the new version fully, both interior AND cover. Now we'll see if the print copy works as well.

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