Dictionary.com Word of the Day

Friday, April 10, 2015

It's been a year... almost.

Yeahhh.... I'm pretty sure I mentioned ages ago, when I started this thing, that my posting would be sporadic.

So, since a year ago.. I've finished the manuscript for Restart!!! Yeah! I'm stoked. I've also made some decisions about how I'm handling it being published. It's huge! 78,000 + words type huge! There's no way I can edit it all, so I've decided to have someone else go over it and help me fix stuff, and then publish and help with distribution as well.

Now for my reality check... That shit's expensive!!! When you don't make bupkiss to bgin with and all your personal resources are needed for things like.. bills... doesn't leave much left over frankly. Okay, so I decided to take another huge risk.. I started a Kickstarter campaign.

Real ego/self esteem tester that. I'm giving it 30 days to raise $3,500; which is the cost plus a bit more of the publishing/editing package. I started this like 4 days ago... I've got two.... TWO contributors.... AND ONE OF THEM IS MY HUSBAND!!! I've sent out emails, I've posted on Facebook, I've freakin' Tweeted it. Two.

I can't send an email at work, cause of policy, but I can show it on a case by case basis. That's not so good either frankly. One person went through and corrected the grammar in the letter (proving how desperately I need to have this done!) and the other implied it was just a hobby. What do I do with that?

I came home and cleaned the house. I took a nap. I petted the cats. Guess what? My house is clean, I'm rested and the cats are content... and it still stings. I... I want this to be more. I've been told by people over the years (teachers as well as parents) that I'm a good writer, that they enjoy reading my work. That should count for something, shouldn't it? I gave up trying to make a living doing Graphic Design... I.. I can't give up on something that I can't stop doing. I won't give up on my writing again.

Some how, some way.. this book will live beyond my own little circle. If I have to ... I dunno... make a damn porno.. to fund it, then that's what I'll do.  I'm tired of hearing that the things I feel passionate about are "nice hobbies". Collecting stamps is a nice hobby... writing books is a passion.

So, I've giving notice to the world.... piss off.. I'm not giving up on this. If no one will help this time, I'll try again, and again... and again.. I'll keep trying until people get so sick and tired of being nagged by me on funding that they open their stinkin' wallets and take a chance!

You've been warned.

1 comment:

  1. Mary, you know I love you and I would help if I could. I live paycheck to paycheck. If and when things change I will give what I can. *Huggles*
