Dictionary.com Word of the Day

Friday, December 11, 2015


Hard to believe that Fall Quarter is almost over and that I've survived. It's going to be weird though to not have to be places on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The flip side of all this is that I should have time to write for myself now... well, myself and those that read my humble scribbling.

The big question is... what am I going to start on? I've been asking myself that since I finished Restart. I don't think I'm any closer to an answer now then I was. I've had a couple people say I should just grab all my short stories and half written things and put them into a book. Maybe.

Maybe I just don't worry about it just yet and focus on Christmas. That needs attention. There is a tree to get and the house to decorate and all of that. Oh, and gifts.

Bleh.. this isn't really about writing is it? Maybe I should ty that. Writing. What have I learned about it over the past ten weeks?

1.) Don't try and read about the technical side of writing poetry while high on anti-histamines.

2.) Re-write, re-write, re-write!!
3.) Just because I think something is awesome doesn't mean it is.
4.) I'm a comma-holic and probably need a 12 Step Group.
5.) Passive verbs are a pain.

There are more, but... it's that time thing.

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