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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Thanksgiving, NaNoWriMo and life

Well... day before Thanksgiving and instead of baking pies and finishing cleaning the house and all the other stuff I writing a post! It's a writer thing I guess. Oh, the rest will get done... kinda has to as I'm hosting 8 tomorrow... but for now I write.

Thanksgiving is an odd sort of holiday. I have mixed feelings.  I'm grateful for family and friends and a roof over my head and food on the table, but at the same time I think about what the first one must have really been like.

No fancy table settings, or flatware. No sparkling dishes. It was probably pretty chilly, and they are outside... cause you know, no dinning room. It would have been an interesting menu too.I'm guessing a wild turkey or two, maybe wild carrots... fish also. But it wasn't just them... they had guests, who brought their own dishes.... oh yeah folks, the first Thanksgiving was probably a Potluck! The dishes would have been different, as different as the guests.

I doubt there was as much trust as is shown. The native people wore what they wore, which was considerably less that the pilgrims! They were strange, but they... well some of them... had helped, so these folks wanted to be able to thank them, as well as give thanks to God for helping them survive. Thanks Giving.

Alright... enough of that. It's also NaNoWriMo. Sadly I've not made much progress on the story. Basically after the first couple chapters I'm at a loss. My word count is worse than last years, and I doubt I'll get much time to work on it in the next two weeks. Bother!

The brightest part has been the official release of Toe Beans! I've already has sales! Yay! I really want to bombard everyone with urging them to go buy this book! It's a mostly true story, though some details have been changed for artist reasons. I'm really proud of it, as it's the first thing that I've done for children, and it wasn't an assignment or my usual fantasy! It really is a perfect Christmas gift!

Go buy Toe Beans! Now! Please.

Well, those pies aren't gonna cook themselves, and the floor won't mop itself either, so I guess I should get to it.

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